Nov. 4th Multidisciplinario Group Show

October 23, 2023 by admin
Multidisciplinarios x #Hashtag Gallery group show

Taller Multidisciplinario is a Mexican Art collective formed by independent and emerging artists.

We are a collaborative, integrative and iterative space in which various disciplines and discourses are met with coexistence and synthesis through different cognitive experiences.

Celebrating Poiesis as a human necessity and the way in which we individually seek meaning, connection and understanding in our simultaneous existence.

In this Group Show “Tendremos que desaparecer” / “San tipopoliwiske” / “We will have to disappear” 

inspired by two poems from Aztec scholar, philosopher (tlamatini), warrior, architect, poet and ruler Nezahualcóyotl in which he transits through life and death as a whole, a duality that is inevitable. Our existence seems so delicate, momentary, a fleeting instant in the vast nothingness of time and space.

We gather some of our works as snapshots of what we see, what we feel and who we are in these particular moments leading us to eternity, because impermanence is a principle of harmony and each one of us will have to disappear. 

Artists (follow on IG):

Noel Bravo: @noel__bravo @gallo.gaio

Jules David: @jules_pintor

Ego Malagón: @ego.mgn

Nicole Charreire: @charreire

Dear Rose: @_dear.rose_

Kyber Koacervado: @kyber__koacervado

Ines João: @ines_bugatti

Miguel Rew @miguel_rew

DJ Sets:

NUUM: @daniellunaest

José Amores: @joseamoresmusic

Christian Bravo: @christianbraavo

Phillips @erickphillips_

Tattoo Artists:

Aranza Martinez @a.marzzzzz

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