September 8-25 LAPORTE BROTHERS: “Carry On Tradition”

August 14, 2016 by admin



This body of work holds a special place in my heart; it’s a collaborative show I created with my older brother Phil called ‘Carry On Tradition’. My brother is an immensely gifted graffiti artist and more or less acts as the Ambassador of the graffiti community in Ottawa to the rest of the world. We chose a handful of people we respect heavily in the hip hop world, who influenced us and our work at one time or another, for one reason or another. It was difficult to narrow down, but we felt the subjects we chose couldn’t be left out because of their impact in the culture, whether dj’s, emcee’s or graffiti artists, they’re all legends, and their contribution to this rich a vibrant culture needs to be celebrated.

Medium: A large variety of media was used in these pieces, especially because Phil and myself have different strengths and we use different media to accentuate those strengths i.e Phil’s use of air brush and Spray Paint, My use of Brushes, Sponges and traditional media.

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